Supplement Formulation

Supplement Formulation

We can take the recipes of the products off the customer’s hands in collaboration with a 3rd party (consultant), which means that we compose the product by means of a combination of ingredients.
  • Consistency in terms of quality

  • Cost savings

  • Increasing efficiency

Consistency in production

When you leave the formulation of product design in the hans of NV Labs, we can ensure you that your products are consistent in terms of quality and appearance. 

How to create a supplement formula?

To put together your own recipe for your new supplement line, you first have to think about various factors that influence this proces. Think about the target group for whom the supplements are and the health benefits that the supplements bring.

1. Determine for which target group you will make your supplements. For example, are they supplements for the elderly or for athletes? Both have different needs when it comes to nutrition.
2. Choose what benefits the supplements should bring. For example, should the supplements contribute to strengthening the bones of the elderly, help athletes build muscle (sport supplement formulation) or provide tranquility and inner-calm in times of stress for students who have exams.
3. Determine the ingredients. Many scientific studies have been done on (natural) ingredients that contribute to the benefits you want to achieve with your supplements. It goes without saying that NV Labs Europe can help you with formulation of supplements! Together with our team, we dive into the possibilities and ingredients that suit the target group and benefits that you have determined earlier. We choose which ingredients are suitable. We also advise on the dosage. Do you choose to bring one specific dose on the market, or a full line of several dosages.
4. It is good to mention that NV Labs Europe also looks at the cooperation between certain components. By this we mean that different ingredients together can have an enhanced factor in achieving the benefits you want to reach with your supplements. It is also possible that certain ingredients weaken each other. Our team of experts can give you clear advice on this.
5. Finally, as a supplement provider you must comply with laws and regulations. If you use NV Labs Europe, you can be sure that the nutraceutical formulation is safe to bring on the market.

supplement formulation
Enjoy our wide range of products

Experience the latest in customer service, as we offer a wide range of product development services, graphic design, contract manufacturing of powders and capsules, with national and international distribution.

We can provide customized solutions to your needs and at the same time help achieve – and potentially exceed – the business results you expect.

We are the leaders in dietary supplement technology, NV Labs Europe is your number one choice for all your needs in natural source supplement manufacturers.

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